



(東京都渋谷区桜丘町1番1号 渋谷サクラステージSHIBUYA タワー)







予選ラウンド:スイスドロー8回戦、1本制、対戦時間 30分






【ウィナーズ・ブラケット】3本制(2本先取)、制限時間 各ゲーム30分

【ルーザーズ・ブラケット】1本制、制限時間 30分

【グランドファイナル】3本制、制限時間 各ゲーム30分


■1日目(12月7日 10:15 開始予定)

■2日目(12月8日 9:45 開始予定)

Tournament Information [English]

■Date and Time

Saturday, December 7th and Sunday, December 8th, 2024


Square Enix SHIBUYA office
(SHIBUYA SAKURA STAGE 1-1 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)

■Tournament Format

2-deck Standard

o Two standard decks will be used (Each player must prepare two decks).
o Cards with the same number can only be in either Deck A or Deck B.
(e.g. If you have two [1-187S] Cloud in Deck A, you cannot include any [1-187S] Cloud in Deck B.)
o The same rules apply to LB decks.

■Tournament Schedule

o Day 1 (December 7th)

Preliminary round: 8 rounds of Swiss draw, BO1, 30 minutes per game.

Deck A will be used for Round 1 to Round 4, and Deck B will be used for Round 5 to Round 8.
The duration of the game is 30 minutes; if the game is not settled after 30 minutes, 3 additional turns will be played. If the game is not settled after 3 additional turns, both players lose the game.

The top 8 players at the end of the Round 8 will advance to the Final rounds on Sunday the 8th. At that point, the double-elimination pairings and each players’ deck lists will be revealed.

o Day 2 (December 8th)

Final rounds: Double-Elimination

Two decks from the preliminary round will be used as is. Players will have time to check their opponents' deck list before the match.

[Winners Bracket] BO3, 30 minutes per each game.
The duration of each game is 30 minutes; if the game is not settled after 30 minutes, 3 additional turns will be played. If the game is not settled after 3 additional turns, the player with the most damage at that point loses the game. If there is still no difference in damage after 3 additional turns, an extra turn is played, and the game is decided when there is a difference in damage.
Each player can choose which of their deck will be used for the game. The deck that won a game may no longer be used in that match.
The player with the higher ranking in the preliminary rounds will get the right to choose if they will play first or second in the first game of the match.
The player who lost the previous game in the match will get the right to choose if they will play first or second in the following games within the match.

[Losers Bracket] BO1, 30 minutes per game.
The duration of the game is 30 minutes; if the game is not settled after 30 minutes, 3 additional turns will be played. If the game is not settled after 3 additional turns, the player with the most damage at that point loses the game. If there is still no difference in damage after 3 additional turns, an extra turn is played, and the game is decided when there is a difference in damage.
You can choose either A or B deck to use for the game.
The player with the higher ranking in the preliminary rounds will get the right to choose if they will play first or second.

[Grand Final] BO3, 30 minutes per each game.
The player with the champion of the Winners Bracket will get the right to choose if they will play first or second in the first game of the match. Otherwise, the format will follow the Winners Bracket.
If the champion of the Winners Bracket wins, that player becomes World Champion.
If the champion of the Losers Bracket wins, an additional one-game play-off will be played. The player with the champion of the Winners Bracket will get the right to choose if they will play first or second. Otherwise, the format will follow the Losers Bracket.

Streaming [English]

■Day 1 [10:15 AM 12/7 (JST)]

■Day 2 [9:45 AM 12/8 (JST)]